How Does WeVite Work?

It's super simple! Create your free account, setup your first event page, and start selling tickets in minutes.

Start earning in 5 simple steps

Earn, collect, and register, all in one place, everything you need for your events.

1. Sign up for a free account

Fast. Free. No contracts.

It's super simple to sign up. All we need is your name and email.

2. Set up your event page with tickets

Professional event pages. Super simple checkout.

Build a professional looking event page in minutes. Start selling cash-at-the-door tickets right away! WeVite's super simple checkout means more sales for you.

To earn online, with earnings direct to you, seamlessly connect your Stripe account when you upgrade to WeVite Essentials. No extra transaction fees like other platforms!

3. Promote your event

Track sales instantly. Measure success.

See your earnings in real time on your event dashboard. Check page views. Build a list of frequently attendees.

Give promoters unique tracking codes to measure your network's effectiveness when you upgrade to a WeVite Business™ plan

4. Get paid as you sell

Payments direct to you. No platform transaction fees.

WeVite is completely free for free tickets. Other platforms can cost you up to 8-20% of your ticket revenue!

When you sell online, we don't add extra fees and surcharges. No surcharge per ticket. No transaction fees on top. Just Stripe's base percentage with a WeVite Essentials™ subscription

5. Check in attendees

Swift. Seamless.

WeVite is completely free for free tickets. Other platforms can cost you up to 8-20% of your ticket revenue!

When you sell online, we don't add extra fees and surcharges. No surcharge per ticket. No transaction fees on top. Just Stripe's base percentage with a WeVite Essentials™ subscription

Start earning today with cash at the door!


Perfect for cash only events

Free for a lifetime

Photo of an animated event check-in desk. A line of customers eagerly waits to pay their entry fee. The staff. The checkin staff graciously accepts cash from attendees. The background hums with anticipation. The desk showcases vibrant event-themed decorations, hinting at the fun to come.
  • Earn with cash at the door
  • Create public events
  • Create public groups
  • Paid Memberships
  • Custom brand
  • Shopping cart
  • Tacking links & codes
  • No ads
Photo of an animated event check-in desk.